08:30 - Welcome from the local host (Garusi)
09:00 - Bruehlmann(Bern) vertical scar mammaplasty with central pedicle: a retrospective study about 276 cases
09:15 - Ahm Soerensen (Danmark) one stage reconstruction of nose and upper lip
09:30 - A. Dionyssopoulos (Greece) combined reconstr.of nose and melonasal defect a after skin tumor resection: the lateral forehead and cheek flaps
09:45 - Bjordal Erling (Norway) single handed forceps diathermia
10:00 - coffee break
10:30 - dÀrpa (Italy) the FLISP flap
10:45 - C.Boursault-Hill (France) about a lipostrucure for buttock depression - follow up4yrs.later the new place of lipostructure in aesthetic surgery
11:00 - Mithoff (Scotland) cell assisted fat transfer for improvement of chest wall tissues
11:15 - Piotr Wojcicki (Poland) the treatmen of craniosynostosis
11:30 - Stefan Ruf (Germany) complications after breast augmentations
11:45 - Cristina Garusi (Italy) local recurrence around IM pedicle after TMG reconstruction? Wich is the limit?
my worst experience and cry for help
09:00 - Ayman Zakaria (Norway) major complication after permanent filler. What to do?
09:15 - Tindholt (Norway)Pyoderma gangraenosum following breast reduction using inferior pedicle
09:30 - Durnig (Austria)epigastric bulging after abdominoplasty with repai of rectus diastasis
09:45 - Busic (Norway)edema after prophylactic mastectomy and primary bilateral reconstruction with DIEAP flaps
10:00 - coffee break
10:30 - Árpa (Italy) going dow-down-down….
10:45 - Dionyssopoulos (Greece) economic recession and late breast implant infection
11:00 - Boursault-Hill (France) massive breast silicone injection
11:15 - Bjordal (Norway) large auricular keloids
11:30 - Mithoff (Scotland) radial dysplasia and contralateral breast aplasia what to do?
11:45 - van Landuyt (Belgium) robotic surgery, and now?
12:00 - Bruehlmann (Switzerland) severe chronic pain after reductio mammaplasty
12:15 - Bassetto (Italy) wrong round block in breast augmentation
12:30 - Garusi (Italy)long lasting wound dehiscence after bilateral DIEP and unilateral extended LD
ideas and innovations
09:00 - Busic (Norway) breast reconstruction with DIEAP flap in the private clinic
09:15 - van Landuyt (Belgium) the lumbar artery perforator flap (LAP) as alternative for the SGAP in autologous breast reconstruction
09:30 - Zakaria (Norway) some of the small problems we meet sometimes in our practice
10:00 - coffee break
10:30 - Durnig (Austria) autologous augmentation gluteoplasty with dermal fat flap in bodylift
10:45 - Woycicki (Poland) the treatment of extensive arteriovenous malformations in the head
11:00 - Handstein (Germany) serial breast reconstruction after sking conserving mastectomy
11:15 - Soerensen (Danmark) virtual surgical planning: maxillary reconstruction using a free fibular flap