Approved in Stockholm 2005 

1. General purpose

2. Board

3. Membership / Participants

4. Meeting




5. Homepage


History of EWAPS ( European Workshop of Advanced Plastic Surgery ): EWAPS was founded 1986. Meetings took place annually on late spring. The organiser changed every year and was an active member and the president of EWAPS for that year.

1. General purpose

a. EWAPS is aimed to be a serious forum to discuss clinical and scientific advancement in plastic surgery

b. EWAPS should have representatives from as many European countries as possible.

2. Board

a. The board consists of 5 members participating in the meetings for at least 10 years

b. The board decides on membership

c. The future president of EWAPS suggests topics of the next year and the board decides

3. Membership / Participants 

a. A member has to be a national board certified plastic surgeon with at least 5 years of experience, under 50 years old at admission.

b. The prerequisite to participate of a non member of the EWAPS, is by invitation of the board

c. Membership is decided by the board after one year of participation

d. Membership is an active process and non participation in meetings for 3 consecutive years will lead to exclusion

e. Members are responsible to acquire new interesting participants bringing scientific contributions

4. Meetings

a. Rules : each member has to bring one presentation and a maximum of 3. Normally the presentation has not to exceed 3 minutes, followed by 12 minutes of discussion.

b. Deadlines for abstracts will be 8 weeks before the beginning of the meeting

c. Each session has at least one chairman responsible for the quality and timing of the discussion.

d. The preliminary program has to be presented 6 months in advance scheduled meeting to all members.

e. Sponsoring in connection to EWAPS activities has to follow the principles of the European commission.

f. Meetings take place once a year in spring.

5. Homepage

The official homepage for EWAPS is www.ewaps.org